How long will I last without being able to travel? It’s been already since early January 2020 that I came back from my wonderful 3 weeks trip in Australia.
Usually traveling every now and then, weekends or at least once a month. I am now stuck at home but not due to Covid-19, so I would rather say you are now stuck as me ;).
Positive aspects of this lockdown:
I get to save more money (maybe then can I plan for my next bigger trip), to go somewhere like Antarctic, Groenland or Fidji and New Zealand..
Go deeper in my financials and investments plannings.
I get to rest and heal properly (being out of office and doing my best to disconnect from work). In order to handle this correctly I had removed all notifications (emails, work text etc). I know myself even in the hospital I was working a bit, until pain started to kick in.
I am not in any rush (when was the last time I ever experienced that?)
I get to cook more but I realized I bake too much and have no one to share the cakes, so I see myself eating quite a lot :/ [should do the one and only portion ;) ]
Ranging areas in the kitchen I have barely looked into for years , finding food cans from 2015 :/ ... hopefully I didn’t get started with clothes and shoes because it would be a never ending moment leading to frustration rather than relaxing.
Revisiting pictures and videos of old posts from where I went during this lockdown timeframe in the past years. Nice impressive memories ! Realizing I am/was doing crazy stuff abroad alone !

I get to [try] to focus on things I had not enough time for : Meditation and mindfulness, reading, more Netflix, more NOTHING and more me.
Doing nothing is the hardest for me. Although, guess I spent a good 20% of my time off doing nothing. It wasn't easy as I saw time passing by so quickly.. Drink tea, look up the ceiling, chill on the balcony (even installed a hammock), feel the air, relax, enjoying the sun and end the day with a home made spa : just myself by myself and for myself. Selfish ? That’s just the art of taking care of oneself.
No need for makeup, dress up, just be you as simple as possible. [Free the boobs hahaha]. Listen to the body and mind in quiet.
Build a puzzle, had one for 2 years never opened, it took me a full day to completed.
Play online games like Uno, Scrabble and invite your friends to play together.
Have virtual aperos with your friends and family
Time to be grateful for what we have, for real. In a house, with a bed, food, tv, internet, lots books to read and a balcony I barely used in 5 years.
What next?
First, I had a foot operation on 27th February 2020, that if I haven’t done in time might actually had prevented me from being free to move anywhere anyway, affecting me daily. Also, if I had delayed it I would have been on lockdown from Covid19 and after for the operation .. let’s just say whole 2020 would have been screwed over :/
I am just starting walking again, after 6 weeks. Been on quarantine since then, anyway not able to move a toe at first so the whole situation is not a bad thing for me. I do not envy anybody else as we are all the same locked home. No feeling of missing out !
That Friday I had my first long walk, 2h30mins. The last 15mins I squeezed my teeth hard.
Preparing myself for a future trip as I would need strong legs and feet to explore the world again!
Once I get back on my feet and this Covid-19 is over, where shall I go?
I don’t want to be pessimistic but it seems it will take a while to resolve. Moreover, I wouldn't want to be the one bringing a disease to place that had no cases .. It would be unfortunate to be quarantined for 2 weeks after landing somewhere as I most probably only get 2 weeks off.
Pretty sure to still keep the distancing and hygiene on top, even if it’s over.
So it looks like this year there will be less country checks on the count, I will stay around at the most.. but let’s see how it goes! So, home sweet home... Most importantly let's be responsible.
Best for the planet, it seems to heal too, less pollution, more freedom for the wild nature. Bet, the earth needs a break of us for a moment... Share abundance of love to earth and people!